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Berufliche Branche
Erforderliche Berufserfahrungen
Bereits Berufserfahrung


Position Purpose:
 * To conduct audit work in accordance with the IG methodology and ensure high standard of deliverables
 * To contribute to risk assessment of audit units based on knowledge obtained through assignments as well as day-to-day contact with auditees
 * To follow through with auditee on implementation of recommendation

Direct Responsibilities:

  1. Participate in the audit team assignments and special reviews (when required by regulators, business lines, or senior management)

 Head of Assignment

 - Lead the assignment / review in accordance with BNPP Internal Audit Guidelines, International Professional Practices and established internal communication protocol.

- Plan, oversee and co-ordinate the work performed to ensure optimal resource allocation and efficient completion of assignment by preparing the methodology, collating raw data, obtaining past recommendations, preparing meetings with auditees, etc.

- Assess the key risks of the audited areas and coordinate the team to identify weaknesses in governance, risk management and control in those areas and raise appropriate findings and recommendations.

 - Review work done by audit team to ensure that the work scope objectives are achieved.

 - Complete the audit report within the recommended timeline.

 - Escalate to the Supervisor unresolved matters or disputes with the auditees for timely resolution.

  Auditor of Assignment

 - Assist in documentation gathering for the assignment.

 - Assist in assessing the key risks of the audited areas and identify weaknesses in governance, risk management and control in those areas by carrying out appropriate evaluation and tests.

- Raise appropriate findings and provide appropriate value-added recommendations to mitigate identified risks.

 - Complete and file investigation working papers for easy retrieval to substantiate work performed.

2. Review the implementation of the Inspection Générale recommendations

- Validate the implementation of recommendations and maintain audit trail of correspondences with auditees in respect of all implementation.

  3. Contribute to the risk assessment of covered activities and planning

 • Perform a periodic and comprehensive risk assessment of the covered activities as per the Group guidelines.

 • Keep abreast of change/new development of regulatory requirements that are relevant to the covered activities and related functions.

 • Assist in the elaboration of the audit planning following a risk-based approach.

  • Regularly communicate with and keep supervisors posted on significant events in relation to activities within the base location.

  4. Direct contribution to BNPP operational permanent control framework.

Contributing Responsibilities

• Contribute to the improvement of the Inspection Générale practices through the elaboration and update of our methodologies.