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Crea il tuo account
Prendetevi qualche minuto per registrarvi. Queste informazioni vi serviranno per accedere al vostro account in futuro.
La password deve:

contenere almeno 15 caratteri, almeno un numero e un simbolo.

Non deve contenere informazioni personali e deve essere diversa dalle 7 password precedenti.
The personal data collected in this form is processed by BNP Paribas S.A. and subsidiaries for recruitment purposes. Please note that fields identified by an asterisk (*) are mandatory. For more information on the processing of your personal data and to exercise your rights, you can access our Data Protection Notice
Consenso alla condivisione/visibilità dei dati
Option “Internationally across BNP Paribas Group”

By selecting “Internationally” your profile is shared internationally with other BNP Paribas Entities : in this case, any BNP Paribas entity could propose you other job opportunities that could match your profile at a worldwide level.

Option “Nationally”

By selecting “Nationally” your profile is shared only with BNP Paribas entities located in your residence country : any BNP Paribas entity could propose you other job opportunities that could match your profile at a national level.

Option “Only for the opening I am applying to”

By selecting “Only for the opening I am applying to” your profile is not shared: we will not send you any other job opportunity.

Please note that you can modify at any time this initial option selection in your Candidate Profile.

Accetto di condividere i miei dati
Impostare la password
Please note, the password must:

Have at least 15 characters, have at least one number and one symbol. 

It must not contain any of your personal information and be different from your previous 7 passwords.
selezionando "Acconsento" dalla casella di controllo sopra riportata, confermo di aver letto la Informativa sulla protezione dei dati e acconsento ai termini ivi descritti.